Coping Strategies for Kids and Adults

Coping Strategies for Kids and Adults

This blog is a little different from my other blog posts about weddings and birthdays and home decor. This is about what we are all experiencing right now. We are in a pandemic and many of us are parents and are doing distance learning with our kids. School can be hard. Life can be hard. And I think one of the things that we need to teach our children, before anything else, is how to cope with stress because it is something that will unfortunately always be a part of life. If we can teach them this while they are still young, hopefully they will take those skills with them into adulthood. Oftentimes, especially now, we have so much going on and our patience runs low. Sometimes we aren't in the position to help them and want them to just figure it out themselves. We forget that they are still little and their emotions can get the best of them and they break down and don't know how else to deal. Having a talk with them about coping strategies and reassuring them that it's okay to have these emotions is so important.

I am attaching a freebie for you to print and place somewhere visible for your kids. Whenever they are feeling frustrated, you can remind them of what they can do to calm down and feel better. Remember to praise them when they do use their coping strategies and complete the task/assignment. In the end, they need to know that you are there for them, they can do it, they need to try their best, and most of all, that they are loved. This is something that we as adults need to remember as well! I hope this helps someone! Hang in there everyone, you are not alone. 

Please click on the image to download the free printable. Also, remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Instagram for more promotions, freebies and new products. 
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